All of my poems written between October 1972 and December 1974 were written either during my travels with my two best friends, Clive and Tony, whilst I was sick with Hepatitus or during the journey in 1974 with my girlfriend, now wife, Angie.
With Tony and Clive I travelled overland from Morocco to Egypt, up the White Nile to Juba in South Sudan and on to Nairobi in Kenya where I worked until I got sick. I began writing poetry during that journey and most of those poems I have categorised as naive.
Angie and I flew to Nairobi. We travelled around Kenya and then by boat to Pakistan. We crossed into India from Lahore to Amritsar. From Delhi we travelled by bus to Kathmandu and by plane to Bangkok. We ended up in Singapore where our journey abruptly ended as Australia would not allow us both long term visas.
1. Naive Poems (show)(hide)
The One Eyed Mongoose
Somewhere in the northern Sahara our VW bus finally broke down. After...
North Africa
Africa is a fabulous continent and North Africa is an excellent place if you wish to become inspired to write poetry...
Desert Song
I must have written this poem sitting on the roadside for hours in the desert, after our bus broke down...
The One Eyed Mongoose – part 2
If I remember correctly the desert, at the location where the...
Lonely Star
When you drive through a cloudless night in the Sahara you wonder how big the Universe is...
When Times Run Out
My memories of this day in 1972 are quite positive. From a bad situation, potentially dangerous...
A Poem that Mox
Also written on the day our VW bus broke down in the desert. I wonder why I wrote this. Where was my mind...
A Night To Remember
After the "War of Attrition (1969-1970)" between Israel and Egypt the border from Lybia to Egypt was...
The Caged World
We were somewhere on the Mediterranean as I wrote this poem. Closer to...
Why Are Animals
I probably wrote this poem on the train from Alexandria to Cairo, a three hour journey. Until...
The White Nile
our Mississippi Steamboat, built in England, towed 6 barges crammed full with people, chickens and goats...
A Hundred Years Since
Wow! It is 52 years since I wrote this poem, which was influenced by my journey on the White Nile in 1972...
The Rude Lamppost
it is amazing how many things annoy you when you are lying in bed in an isolation ward...
Animal Mad
Animals are greedy when it comes to food, but I don't really think they would do this...
From Blue to Gold
thoughts of a man who was not only isolated, but due to his sickness had to remain celibate for another six months...
The Sky Is the Limit
We can still make the change providing we convince our governments to be decisive & providing ...
The Silly Forgetful Snake
Snakes have, for many people, a bad reputation, but we have to have compassion for this one. Like us humans, not everyone is bad...
A Bad Product Never Sells
One could call this a cynical poem, if it was not true. It wandered from a market to a mind spiral...
This is the mind spiral that you perhaps read about in the previous poem's excerpt...
Oh Little One
Nature comes in so many shapes and forms but this little creature comes in all of them!
2. Capitalism/Corruption (show)(hide)
Unanswered Questions
This poem, from 1973, is particularly relevant to Israel's war and the Ukraine in 2024...
Always Hungry, Always Hoping
Having seen poverty where governments did nothing and remembering the tramps on the way to work...
An Interruption to the Thoughts of a Thoughtless Capitalist
My poems may not be literary masterpieces but they do show concerns that are valid today...
Keep Off The Grass
my white collars used to have dirty stains every day I worked in London, Angie showed me one day, I hadn't realised...
Mr. Average
One does not need everything we have to be happy. In fact many are stressed out trying to get more & the environment suffers.
The Philisophical Pipit
Greed on the one side. Stark poverty on the other. Man! Stop, look and listen!
The Early Harvest
perhaps there was a seed that produced common sense and selflessness...
Cyber Nonsense
Internet could revert back to a true information carrier but only if the mega web companies are forced to behave.
The Afro-Dizzy-Yak
Yes capitalism drives us to want more and "better" things - but what is better?...
3. The Environment (show)(hide)
Weekday City
January 1973 and pollution was on many people's minds - little did they know how the 21st century would turn out...
Do Your Bit!
It is one thing to complain about something and another to actually try and fix the problem...
Leave No Scars
It can only be selfish people who deny climate change today, only concerned about their own lives...
The Third & Last
Yet, in 2024, there are still people refusing to believe, including the U.S future president (help us!)...
Keep Off The Grass
my white collars used to have dirty stains every day I worked in London, Angie showed me one day, I hadn't realised...
The Sky Is the Limit
We can still make the change providing we convince our governments to be decisive & providing ...
A Bad Product Never Sells
One could call this a cynical poem, if it was not true. It wandered from a market to a mind spiral...
First Things First
Heaven and hell are places, times and experiences on this earth, during our lives. We can't always choose...
It's never too late to stop carving chairs and to plant acorns - but there is a whole lot more to do before it is too late.
Dark Tears
Mother Nature is a chemical and biological reaction that we have been destabilising for a long time.
4. Humour/Sarcasm (show)(hide)
The One Eyed Mongoose
Somewhere in the northern Sahara our VW bus finally broke down. After...
The One Eyed Mongoose – part 2
If I remember correctly the desert, at the location where the...
When Times Run Out
My memories of this day in 1972 are quite positive. From a bad situation, potentially dangerous...
A Poem that Mox
Also written on the day our VW bus broke down in the desert. I wonder why I wrote this. Where was my mind...
Why Are Animals
I probably wrote this poem on the train from Alexandria to Cairo, a three hour journey. Until...
Welcome Home
After four months of absolute freedom, in Africa, I felt condemned and restricted...
The Parking Lot
Always pay your fines and, if you go to court, remember what you said to the police - they do!
The Rude Lamppost
it is amazing how many things annoy you when you are lying in bed in an isolation ward...
Animal Mad
Animals are greedy when it comes to food, but I don't really think they would do this...
The Silly Forgetful Snake
Snakes have, for many people, a bad reputation, but we have to have compassion for this one. Like us humans, not everyone is bad...
Oh Little One
Nature comes in so many shapes and forms but this little creature comes in all of them!
Our Little One
shortly before she was born I dreamt of a little blonde girl, in spite of the photo she is blonde!
The Things We Are and the Things We Aint
Looking at human nature from various sides, in a comic, yet serious way...
Happy Easter
It might be great fun for the kids but the poor old Easter bunnies could melt in the morning sun 😥
A Field Day
I am a dog lover, not too keen on cats, but this one gave me some food for thought.
5. Nature & Places (show)(hide)
The One Eyed Mongoose
Somewhere in the northern Sahara our VW bus finally broke down. After...
The One Eyed Mongoose – part 2
If I remember correctly the desert, at the location where the...
Lonely Star
When you drive through a cloudless night in the Sahara you wonder how big the Universe is...
A Night To Remember
After the "War of Attrition (1969-1970)" between Israel and Egypt the border from Lybia to Egypt was...
The White Nile
our Mississippi Steamboat, built in England, towed 6 barges crammed full with people, chickens and goats...
A Hundred Years Since
Wow! It is 52 years since I wrote this poem, which was influenced by my journey on the White Nile in 1972...
Shooting Star
Must have been feeling positive on this day, in spite of the isolation...
The Bad Samaritan
Doing nothing is often as bad as doing the wrong thing. Not many events stay in your mind for so long.
In the House Next Door
two days to the birth of my daughter, I was obviously in a good mood...
The Silly Forgetful Snake
Snakes have, for many people, a bad reputation, but we have to have compassion for this one. Like us humans, not everyone is bad...
Another Day
The plight of an Eagle in the wild is not as easy as you might think...
Oh Little One
Nature comes in so many shapes and forms but this little creature comes in all of them!
Another Warm Thought
we were living in Munich at this time and often went into the mountains...
Summer Fruits
he sang so well I thought I would write about a similar bird that had no voice...
Monday Morning Again
I loved my job at Overseas Containers, and that walk from Liverpool Street too. My home...
Just One of Those Things
my reference to God basically means, "Mother Nature", as you will see in other poems...
Happy Easter
It might be great fun for the kids but the poor old Easter bunnies could melt in the morning sun 😥
Heaven Is Relative
I guess I meant that Aro was happy in his apartment but not when he discovered freedom.
Lonely Flyer
Many things inspired me in the Pyrenees, not just the eagles and vultures. E.g. the view of the curved mountain wall from Gavarnie,
It Ain’t Just The Sand
the people of the Aïr are a wonderful folk. Such a shame that that part of the world is now in a shambles.
Dark Tears
Mother Nature is a chemical and biological reaction that we have been destabilising for a long time.
Elusive Butterfly
Stay deaf, dumb and blind to Mother Nature at your own peril. Thus speaks an atheist...
Snake Eagle
it is always a joy to watch wildlife. The snake eagle is small but majestic, we are very lucky...
Home Sweet Home
This is a celebration, a homage, to the wonder of Mother Nature! She should be enough for everyone, unfortunately money & power makes some people disregard it.
The Afro-Dizzy-Yak
Yes capitalism drives us to want more and "better" things - but what is better?...
Amazing how Mother Nature survives in such a small area in a concrete city...
6. War & Peace (show)(hide)
The Caged World
We were somewhere on the Mediterranean as I wrote this poem. Closer to...
Unanswered Questions
This poem, from 1973, is particularly relevant to Israel's war and the Ukraine in 2024...
Applied Masochism
You may think I am insane when you begin reading this poem. I hope you get the point at the end.
War Crimes
How many people and animals were burnt to death in just the Vietnam war?
The Raven and the Pacifist
It doesn't quite hit the mark, this poem, but I think you'll get the gist...
7. Politics, Society, Poverty(show)(hide)
Always Hungry, Always Hoping
Having seen poverty where governments did nothing and remembering the tramps on the way to work...
Applied Masochism
You may think I am insane when you begin reading this poem. I hope you get the point at the end.
Cyber Nonsense
Internet could revert back to a true information carrier but only if the mega web companies are forced to behave.
September Eleven
Nothing can be said about nine eleven 2001 except tragedy, disaster and an immense loss of human lives.
A Good Boy, and a Good Man
History does show us how wrong we can be. But there is always hope that we can make change...
8. Emotions & Philosophical Thoughts(show)(hide)
Weekday City
January 1973 and pollution was on many people's minds - little did they know how the 21st century would turn out...
Welcome Home
After four months of absolute freedom, in Africa, I felt condemned and restricted...
The Parking Lot
Always pay your fines and, if you go to court, remember what you said to the police - they do!
Sometimes I Wish
And I am still mentioning God in my writings, not expected from an apprentice atheist...
Famous Last Words
I was home, slowly recovering. I guess I had a lot of time to think...
Joys of a Nocturnal Beast
I much prefer late night than early morning, rather like this guy and his friends...
Applied Masochism
You may think I am insane when you begin reading this poem. I hope you get the point at the end.
The Bad Samaritan
Doing nothing is often as bad as doing the wrong thing. Not many events stay in your mind for so long.
Hiking Shoe Blues
As the Stones sung,"You can't always get what you want". Unless you are patient, then maybe...
Little Girl
The fascination of a child when he first realises that the fairer sex were important to him...
Things For Us
there is much on this planet to make us happy, why do we spoil it...
Question Time
for me, the only questions remaining to ask, in 2024, are political...
Peace of Mind
My reference to heaven is not a religious one. In German Heaven is Himmel - also meaning sky...
Keep Off The Grass
my white collars used to have dirty stains every day I worked in London, Angie showed me one day, I hadn't realised...
Time To Be Silly
Say "Tick" ... ... ... ... "Tick" and it seems to be a longer second than when you say "Tick Tock" - just a thought but enough to inspire...
A Bad Product Never Sells
One could call this a cynical poem, if it was not true. It wandered from a market to a mind spiral...
This is the mind spiral that you perhaps read about in the previous poem's excerpt...
First Things First
Heaven and hell are places, times and experiences on this earth, during our lives. We can't always choose...
Who Knows?
"to be or not to be" is not the question. But, "how to be" - that is the question...
End of a Friend
the end of a friend is never the end of a friendship, it is sad, but friendship lives on...
Another Warm Thought
we were living in Munich at this time and often went into the mountains...
Our Little One
shortly before she was born I dreamt of a little blonde girl, in spite of the photo she is blonde!
How Wrong Can We Be?
Nothing is new in this poem. It's a bit like when you look up to the sky and wonder what & why...
The Philisophical Pipit
Greed on the one side. Stark poverty on the other. Man! Stop, look and listen!
The Lennon Tree
Imagine, if we all gave peace a chance! The world would be a better place...
The Things We Are and the Things We Aint
Looking at human nature from various sides, in a comic, yet serious way...
The Early Harvest
perhaps there was a seed that produced common sense and selflessness...
I wish the world's politics would return to this state, that would help the climate too.
Lonely Flyer
Many things inspired me in the Pyrenees, not just the eagles and vultures. E.g. the view of the curved mountain wall from Gavarnie,
Just One Thing
Not sure why, but the poem never made it into the book. When I write the story leads me on the way so perhaps it led me along a different path.
September Eleven
Nothing can be said about nine eleven 2001 except tragedy, disaster and an immense loss of human lives.
Home Sweet Home
This is a celebration, a homage, to the wonder of Mother Nature! She should be enough for everyone, unfortunately money & power makes some people disregard it.
A Good Boy, and a Good Man
History does show us how wrong we can be. But there is always hope that we can make change...
9. My Weird Phase – full of disconnected thoughts(show)(hide)
Living in the Future
Some poems escape me, no rhyme or reason (well, maybe rhyme)...
Sister’s Mother
Say NO to drugs! Even the legal ones (alcohol and, in some countries a small amount of marijuana) can cause problems.
Mr. Average
One does not need everything we have to be happy. In fact many are stressed out trying to get more & the environment suffers.
The Raven and the Pacifist
It doesn't quite hit the mark, this poem, but I think you'll get the gist...
10. All Poems in chronological sequence(show)(hide)
The One Eyed Mongoose
Somewhere in the northern Sahara our VW bus finally broke down. After...
North Africa
Africa is a fabulous continent and North Africa is an excellent place if you wish to become inspired to write poetry...
Desert Song
I must have written this poem sitting on the roadside for hours in the desert, after our bus broke down...
The One Eyed Mongoose – part 2
If I remember correctly the desert, at the location where the...
Lonely Star
When you drive through a cloudless night in the Sahara you wonder how big the Universe is...
When Times Run Out
My memories of this day in 1972 are quite positive. From a bad situation, potentially dangerous...
A Poem that Mox
Also written on the day our VW bus broke down in the desert. I wonder why I wrote this. Where was my mind...
A Night To Remember
After the "War of Attrition (1969-1970)" between Israel and Egypt the border from Lybia to Egypt was...
The Caged World
We were somewhere on the Mediterranean as I wrote this poem. Closer to...
Why Are Animals
I probably wrote this poem on the train from Alexandria to Cairo, a three hour journey. Until...
The White Nile
our Mississippi Steamboat, built in England, towed 6 barges crammed full with people, chickens and goats...
A Hundred Years Since
Wow! It is 52 years since I wrote this poem, which was influenced by my journey on the White Nile in 1972...
Weekday City
January 1973 and pollution was on many people's minds - little did they know how the 21st century would turn out...
Welcome Home
After four months of absolute freedom, in Africa, I felt condemned and restricted...
The Parking Lot
Always pay your fines and, if you go to court, remember what you said to the police - they do!
Unanswered Questions
This poem, from 1973, is particularly relevant to Israel's war and the Ukraine in 2024...
Do Your Bit!
It is one thing to complain about something and another to actually try and fix the problem...
The Rude Lamppost
it is amazing how many things annoy you when you are lying in bed in an isolation ward...
Animal Mad
Animals are greedy when it comes to food, but I don't really think they would do this...
Shooting Star
Must have been feeling positive on this day, in spite of the isolation...
Sometimes I Wish
And I am still mentioning God in my writings, not expected from an apprentice atheist...
Leave No Scars
It can only be selfish people who deny climate change today, only concerned about their own lives...
Famous Last Words
I was home, slowly recovering. I guess I had a lot of time to think...
Living in the Future
Some poems escape me, no rhyme or reason (well, maybe rhyme)...
Always Hungry, Always Hoping
Having seen poverty where governments did nothing and remembering the tramps on the way to work...
Joys of a Nocturnal Beast
I much prefer late night than early morning, rather like this guy and his friends...
Applied Masochism
You may think I am insane when you begin reading this poem. I hope you get the point at the end.
From Blue to Gold
thoughts of a man who was not only isolated, but due to his sickness had to remain celibate for another six months...
Sister’s Mother
Say NO to drugs! Even the legal ones (alcohol and, in some countries a small amount of marijuana) can cause problems.
The Bad Samaritan
Doing nothing is often as bad as doing the wrong thing. Not many events stay in your mind for so long.
Hiking Shoe Blues
As the Stones sung,"You can't always get what you want". Unless you are patient, then maybe...
The Third & Last
Yet, in 2024, there are still people refusing to believe, including the U.S future president (help us!)...
Little Girl
The fascination of a child when he first realises that the fairer sex were important to him...
Things For Us
there is much on this planet to make us happy, why do we spoil it...
An Interruption to the Thoughts of a Thoughtless Capitalist
My poems may not be literary masterpieces but they do show concerns that are valid today...
Question Time
for me, the only questions remaining to ask, in 2024, are political...
War Crimes
How many people and animals were burnt to death in just the Vietnam war?
In the House Next Door
two days to the birth of my daughter, I was obviously in a good mood...
Peace of Mind
My reference to heaven is not a religious one. In German Heaven is Himmel - also meaning sky...
Keep Off The Grass
my white collars used to have dirty stains every day I worked in London, Angie showed me one day, I hadn't realised...
Time To Be Silly
Say "Tick" ... ... ... ... "Tick" and it seems to be a longer second than when you say "Tick Tock" - just a thought but enough to inspire...
The Sky Is the Limit
We can still make the change providing we convince our governments to be decisive & providing ...
The Silly Forgetful Snake
Snakes have, for many people, a bad reputation, but we have to have compassion for this one. Like us humans, not everyone is bad...
A Bad Product Never Sells
One could call this a cynical poem, if it was not true. It wandered from a market to a mind spiral...
This is the mind spiral that you perhaps read about in the previous poem's excerpt...
Another Day
The plight of an Eagle in the wild is not as easy as you might think...
Mr. Average
One does not need everything we have to be happy. In fact many are stressed out trying to get more & the environment suffers.
First Things First
Heaven and hell are places, times and experiences on this earth, during our lives. We can't always choose...
Oh Little One
Nature comes in so many shapes and forms but this little creature comes in all of them!
Who Knows?
"to be or not to be" is not the question. But, "how to be" - that is the question...
End of a Friend
the end of a friend is never the end of a friendship, it is sad, but friendship lives on...
Another Warm Thought
we were living in Munich at this time and often went into the mountains...
Our Little One
shortly before she was born I dreamt of a little blonde girl, in spite of the photo she is blonde!
Summer Fruits
he sang so well I thought I would write about a similar bird that had no voice...
Monday Morning Again
I loved my job at Overseas Containers, and that walk from Liverpool Street too. My home...
It's never too late to stop carving chairs and to plant acorns - but there is a whole lot more to do before it is too late.
Just One of Those Things
my reference to God basically means, "Mother Nature", as you will see in other poems...
How Wrong Can We Be?
Nothing is new in this poem. It's a bit like when you look up to the sky and wonder what & why...
The Philisophical Pipit
Greed on the one side. Stark poverty on the other. Man! Stop, look and listen!
The Lennon Tree
Imagine, if we all gave peace a chance! The world would be a better place...
The Things We Are and the Things We Aint
Looking at human nature from various sides, in a comic, yet serious way...
The Raven and the Pacifist
It doesn't quite hit the mark, this poem, but I think you'll get the gist...
The Early Harvest
perhaps there was a seed that produced common sense and selflessness...
I wish the world's politics would return to this state, that would help the climate too.
Happy Easter
It might be great fun for the kids but the poor old Easter bunnies could melt in the morning sun 😥
Heaven Is Relative
I guess I meant that Aro was happy in his apartment but not when he discovered freedom.
Lonely Flyer
Many things inspired me in the Pyrenees, not just the eagles and vultures. E.g. the view of the curved mountain wall from Gavarnie,
It Ain’t Just The Sand
the people of the Aïr are a wonderful folk. Such a shame that that part of the world is now in a shambles.
Just One Thing
Not sure why, but the poem never made it into the book. When I write the story leads me on the way so perhaps it led me along a different path.
Cyber Nonsense
Internet could revert back to a true information carrier but only if the mega web companies are forced to behave.
Dark Tears
Mother Nature is a chemical and biological reaction that we have been destabilising for a long time.
September Eleven
Nothing can be said about nine eleven 2001 except tragedy, disaster and an immense loss of human lives.
A Field Day
I am a dog lover, not too keen on cats, but this one gave me some food for thought.
Elusive Butterfly
Stay deaf, dumb and blind to Mother Nature at your own peril. Thus speaks an atheist...
Snake Eagle
it is always a joy to watch wildlife. The snake eagle is small but majestic, we are very lucky...
Home Sweet Home
This is a celebration, a homage, to the wonder of Mother Nature! She should be enough for everyone, unfortunately money & power makes some people disregard it.
The Afro-Dizzy-Yak
Yes capitalism drives us to want more and "better" things - but what is better?...
A Good Boy, and a Good Man
History does show us how wrong we can be. But there is always hope that we can make change...
Amazing how Mother Nature survives in such a small area in a concrete city...